The Fourth Day

4th Day of Homeschooling Journey

Hooray for our 4th day! 

We’re a bit behind schedule because of my allergy and rashes. But we managed to finish the set activities for the day. 

Here’s my prepared activities for Bible / Character Education subject. First, prayer time followed by singing “Let It  Shine” song then reading of Devos for Boys and lastly, reading of the book “The First Bible.” After each activity, discussion follows. 

After this subject, I gave him an exercise in writing by answering the questions in complete sentence. This is hitting two birds in one stone for Writing and Language. 

Moving on to the next activity is Reading. I bought some e-books online and I printed the book that I used for his reading time. Then after he read the book, I asked him to stand up and present what he had learn from the story book. This is for his sentence construction and delivery. Then a homework was given after (tell the story to dad). 

The dictionary was placed next to him so that he can easily grab and look for the word that he doesn’t know. 

Then for our last subject, which is Math, I made use of his old book to do some activities.

And again, ending it with a prayer. 

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Psalm 46:1 NIV

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