Nature Print

Leaves Printmaking by Gav

Leaves Nature Printmaking- our first activity in Quarter 3.

Today’s lesson in Art is about printmaking with nature. Making use of objects from nature to make prints.

For our nature printmaking activity, we use three different sizes of Basil leaves found inside the fridge. Luckily, we have some leaves inside the fridge because we don’t want to pick leaves from our three small plants. Each leaf is painted with paint color and brush then was pressed on to the paper using the palm of the hand.

There are various objects to make nature prints. We can use things like flowers, seeds, stems, or tree bark. We can use stones, feathers, etc… Prints can be done creatively with different styles and designs. We make use nature prints without farming Mother Nature, too.

“Stay focused.

Be the best you can be and keep your eyes on the goal.”

Henry “Hank” Aaron

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